
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Quiet Firing... What it looks like and a better way forward!
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
Saturday Sep 17, 2022
We talked about quiet quitting in the last episode and in this episode we are going to be talking about the flip side to this and that is Quiet Firing. With all the quiet quitting going on and people sandbagging on the job to ensure they avoid work-burnout managers and leaders in companies are fighting it with this. Now, I just want to say that if you haven’t listened to my last episode on quiet quitting, please go listen to that. That is the actual way you can fight against the trend. This way, in my opinion, is the less optimal way of dealing with this.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/timstatingtheobvious Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfDcITKUdniO8R3RP0lvdw

Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Quiet Quitters!The Good, the Bad, the Ugly.
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
Saturday Sep 10, 2022
We talked about engaged leadership in the last episode and in this episode we are going to be talking about another aspect of what happens when leaders are ineffective and do not properly engages with the people they work with. They, “quiet quit!’
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/timstatingtheobvious
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfDcITKUdniO8R3RP0lvdw

Monday Aug 01, 2022
What is engaged leadership?
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Monday Aug 01, 2022
Globally, workers do not rate work/life satisfaction highly. Gallup finds 60% of people are emotionally detached and not engaged in the workplace. So, the question I ask myself, is that are these people not engaged because they don’t want to be? Do they not see the value and impact of their work? What is going on that makes them feel this way and how is it related to their performance? Gallup found that business and organizations with engaged workers have 23% higher profit compared with business units with miserable workers. That is interesting in that this tell us that we need to have engaged workers and you can't have that without engaged leadership!

Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Mid-Year Review and ”Okay Boomer/Zoomer!”
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Saturday Jul 23, 2022
Hey and welcome to another episode of Tim stating the obvious. I am very excited about the rest of this year. In January I shared with you some of my goals for this year. Last year we produced 19 episodes. So far this year we have produced 11 episodes more consistently. Because of you and sharing this podcast with one or two other people who might like it, we have maintained a consistent monthly download from one month to another month.

Monday Jul 11, 2022
An Obvious Take on Message to Garcia
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Monday Jul 11, 2022
Elbert Hubbard wrote “The Letter to Garcia” and it came about because he was talking to his friend about who he thought the actual hero of the Spanish-American War was. In my experience, I have found that if you give someone a task, most of the time, they will come back to you and ask you more questions than needed. Now, the question is… is this a problem?
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/timstatingtheobvious
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfDcITKUdniO8R3RP0lvdw

Monday Apr 11, 2022
Is it People or Processes that are the Problem?
Monday Apr 11, 2022
Monday Apr 11, 2022
In this episode, we are going to be talking about processes versus people. Most of the conversations that I have been having lately are based on the eternal organizational struggle with are the processes, the problem, or is it the people? I would say overall, we need to make sure that our processes support our people and our organizations. Organizations that are quick to blame people as the problem have a poor self-awareness mechanism in place. They would rather save money on underpaying people and not improving processes because it’s easier to hire someone new than it is to re-evaluate and improve a process.
#developyourprocesses #processimprovement #arepeopletheproblem? #peoplearenottheproblem
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/timstatingtheobvious
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfDcITKUdniO8R3RP0lvdw

Monday Apr 04, 2022
Life Skills Part 5: Having a Community Mindset
Monday Apr 04, 2022
Monday Apr 04, 2022
In our last episode, we talked about emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills - which comprises conflict management, teamwork, and communication. In this episode, we will talk about Category 4 - having a community mindset and being an active citizen. Having a cultural understanding of others, a sense of personal responsibility, having empathy for others and being responsible participants in digital communication.
To sum this episode up, the life skills in this category are having a community mindset and being an active citizen. The difference between a resident and a citizen is that a resident has no obligation to the community to which they belong to. They just have been granted the right to exist and live amongst those who have a responsibility and invested interest in the betterment of their community. Another brilliant book and movie that helps to bring this point home is Starship Troopers. Being personally responsible for your actions or lack of actions, seeking to culturally understand, and having empathy for one another are all areas in which you can seek improvement on to improve your overall life skills.
#lifeskillsareimportant #howtodeveloplifesills #lifeskillscoaching #developacommunitymindset #practiceactive citizenship #developculturalunderstanding
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/timstatingtheobvious
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfDcITKUdniO8R3RP0lvdw

Friday Mar 25, 2022
Life Skills Part 4: Interpersonal Skills
Friday Mar 25, 2022
Friday Mar 25, 2022
I want to take a moment and thank “The Nature Boyy” for commenting and leaving a review. He said, “This podcast has been fundamental for me lately. It’s been the single driving force for me, striving harder and noticing shortcomings I didn’t even know I had.” I have been thinking a lot lately about how this podcast can help and add value to your everyday life and professional life.
In this episode, we will talk about Category 3 of life skills, which are emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills - which comprises conflict management, teamwork, and communication.
These tip of the iceberg interpersonal skills are what will set you apart from your peers. It seems simple - however, practical application is much harder than you think and requires you to be intentional about every interaction. Which in its self is incredibly difficult.
#interpersonalskillsforlife #interpersonalskills4life #lifeskillsdevelopinterpersonalskills
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/timstatingtheobvious
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHfDcITKUdniO8R3RP0lvdw

Welcome to the Show!
Thank you for stopping by and checking out this show. In this show, we talk about leadership principles that can apply to everyday life. Everyone is entitled to great leadership, no matter where you are. This show aims to enhance your leadership style with some tried-and-true techniques for positive effects.